Larva Tiamat is a playable character from the popular mobile game Fate/Grand Order. An alter ego created by Tiamat; Larva Tiamat appears as a younger...
This figurine of Abigail Williams from Fate/Grand Order features her in a summery style, leisurely sitting in an inflatable hoop. A great addition to anyone's...
From the "Fate/Grand Order Arcade" game comes this PVC statue figure of Lancer / Ereshkigal! From SEGA Good's Luminasta range of affordable prize figures! This...
The R-type machines recreated in figure form. From the shooting game "R-TYPE FINAL 2" comes recreations of the player controlled fighters R-13A and RX-10! The...
From FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE, Sonon Kusakabe, a warrior from Wutai, makes his appearance as a PLAY ARTS KAI action figure!His strong yet gentle...
A collection of twenty-five short stories expanding upon the rich lore of Final Fantasy XIV and featuring exclusive illustrations by Toshiyuki Itahana. This hardcover, foil-stamped...
Join all your favorite Final Fantasy XIV characters in this rollicking, modern-day high school comedy! Alisaie is a student attending Eorzea Academy, an exclusive institution...