"King of the Goblins!" The iconic antihero and half-elf Seltyiel finds himself in the gladiatorial Worldscape, facing off against two of Earth's most sinister figures......
When Dejah Thoris and Tars Tarkas investigate a mysterious gap in the memory of John Carter, Warlord of Barsoom, they find themselves hurled into the...
"Forest of Nightmares!" Tarzan clashes head-on with the original feral heroes of mythology: the demigods Romulus and Remus! The Lord of the Jungle must then...
From her castle gallery at the edge of Everywhere, the immortal witch known as the Traveller gazes across the multiverse. With Dejah Thoris and Vampirella...
The blood of a thousand Therns drowns Shareen's arena. Empress Camilla's corpse lies among an army of White Martian dead. To Herbert West, Re-Animator, the...
CREATED AND WRITTEN by legendary icon, GRANT MORRISON (Batman, All Star Superman, The Invisibles, 18 Days), comes his newest hero AVATAREX. What happens when an...