On the world of Eternia, a fragile balance exists between science and magic, a balance kept by the universe's mightiest hero, He-Man, secretly Prince Adam,...
Despite her origins with a 'traditional' family, Beau's penchant for troublemaking was legendary. Outraged by her criminal activity, Beau's father arranged for her to be...
In a city that operates on technology, a power outage brings catastrophe, but in darkness comes opportunity. It hurts. Night City hurts. The suffering runs...
Witness the rise and fall of a new Assassin in Russia in this collection of Assassin's Creed The Fall and Assassin's Creed The Chain. NOTHING IS TRUE, EVERYTHING...
Superstar writer Brian Wood tells the origin of the Valkyrie--the deadliest spacefighter pilots in the EVE universe!This series leads into EVE Valkyrie, one of the most...