This 16 cm Luminasta PVC statue captures Oikatzo from the popular series Shangri-La Frontier. The figure features intricate detailing and vibrant colors, perfectly reflecting the...
Experience the dynamic world of Heaven Burns Red with this Karen Asakura Luminasta PVC statue. Standing at 20 cm, this intricately designed figure features Karen...
"Link your minds, unlock the future."Kasane Randall, a protagonist from the anime SCARLET NEXUS, is coming out as a figure!The scene where she uses psychokinesis...
Celebrate your love for The Quintessential Quintuplets with this Itsuki Nakano action figure from the Movingood!!! series. Standing at 15 cm, this articulated figure showcases...
The next line of Ultra Detail Figures (UDF) from Medicom is Captain Tsubasa Series 2! This non-articulated mini statue figure of Misugi Jun stands 11cm...
The next line of Ultra Detail Figures (UDF) from Medicom is Captain Tsubasa Series 2! This non-articulated mini statue figure of Hyuga Kojiro stands 11cm...