From the anime series "Tawawa on Monday" comes as this detailed Noodle Stopper PVC statue figure featuring Aichan in an sitting pose! This Tawawa on...
From the popular anime and manga Chainsaw Man comes this figure of the mysterious Makima! Sitting in a proper manner, this figure of Makima perfectly...
From the anime film "The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie" comes this PM Perching PVC statue figure of Yotsuba Nakano, made by SEGA.This The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie figure is...
From "The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie" comes this detailed 'Trio-Try-iT' PVC statue figure of Nino Nakano in a bunny girl style outfit! It stands approx. 23cm...
From "The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie" comes this detailed 'Trio-Try-iT' PVC statue figure of Ichika Nakano in a bunny girl style outfit! It stands approx. 24cm...