Experience the magical adventures of Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray, and all the wizards of the Fairy Tail world in a new, large-sized, three-in-1 omnibus format!...
Watching the news, Hanagaki Takemichi learns his junior-high girlfriend Tachibana Hinata has died. A sudden shove sends him 12 years into the past to face...
Remember me? Relive Takumi Fujiwara's journey from tofu delivery boy to street-racing legend in an all-new, large-sized, 2-in-1 print edition of the series that made...
Final Volume! Cardcaptor Sakura brought a generation of readers to manga, and now it's back in a definitive collector's edition! Cardcaptor Sakura is one of...
THE LAST PAGE OF RUDEUS'S TALE The final disciple of the Man-God appears alongside the treacherous Geese: Badigadi. Equipped with Laplace's Fighting God Armor and...
What happens when an unlucky girl meets an undead guy? Pure chaos!Tired of inadvertently killing people with her special ability Unluck, Fuuko Izumo sets out...
This Chakra-Powered Omnibus Contains Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of Naruto! No one takes Naruto seriously at Ninja Academy. Especially not the other students, who...
The students in Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High have a new teacher: an alien octopus with bizarre powers and unlimited strength, who's just destroyed...
To gain leverage in negotiations with Ainz Ooal Gown, Barbro, the first prince of the Re-Estize Kingdom attacks Carne Village. Then suddenly, in the Katze...
The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation.Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi’s greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone...
A collection of twenty-five short stories expanding upon the rich lore of Final Fantasy XIV and featuring exclusive illustrations by Toshiyuki Itahana. This hardcover, foil-stamped...