The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation. Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi's greatest dream is to make some friends, but...
Dive feet-first into the world of devil-fighting firefighters with this 3-in-1 omnibus edition of the hit manga from the creator of Soul Eater! Blaze past...
Sin Archbishop Sirius unleashes calamity onto the Water Gate City ofPristella, plungingit into chaos. In the face of this madness, Subaruscrambles, using everything in hispower...
Bocchi finally takes the stage in English, and she's brought her best friend-crippling anxiety! Hitori Goto just wants to make friends, but the thought of...
The Grizzly Sin, King, is alive! Unfortunately, King not only refuses to help Meliodas, he declares Ban as his mortal enemy for having attained eternal...
Antisocial, dorky boy seeks fun-loving, sexy vampire for blood-sucking and transforming into her minion. One sleepless night, Ko slips out to walk the streets. Life...
After being appointed as Shiga Kingdom's Vice-Minister of Tourism, Satou decides to take his party on a sightseeing trip around the country. Over the course...
While the title (which translates as 'ordinary' or 'everyday') suggests a story of simple, everyday school life, the contents are more the opposite. Set in...
Join all your favorite Final Fantasy XIV characters in this rollicking, modern-day high school comedy! Alisaie is a student attending Eorzea Academy, an exclusive institution...
After the life-or-death battle on Ente Isla, Maou and company return to Japan to resume their daily lives, from the Devil King having his subordinates...