Joining the Chibi Masters lineup is the global sensation, Naruto Shippuden! This figure features Kakashi Hatake in adorably-sized super kawaii style. He stands approximately 3.15...
Mastering his Sharingan, Itachi reveals all his power as this exclusive collectible figure! With the emblematic pose of the character, find Itachi ready to defend...
Joining the Chibi Masters lineup is the global sensation, Naruto Shippuden! This figure features Naruto Uzumaki in adorably-sized super kawaii style. He stands approximately 3.15...
Character | Pop! Animation: Boruto Naruto Next Generation - InojinMaterial: vinylInojin stands approximately 3 ½ inches tall and is packaged inside a window display box.Recommended...
Character | Pop! Animation: Boruto - Cho-Cho Material: vinyl Cho-Cho stands approximately 4 ½ inches tall and is packaged inside a window display box. Recommended...
Every figure comes with two sets of swappable hands, an accessory, and chakra lights so your characters can form hand seals and perform powerful Jutsu....