This volume marks the first short-story collection in the Slime series, taking a deep dive into the epic tale's fantasy world, and what its characters...
After being appointed as Shiga Kingdom's Vice-Minister of Tourism, Satou decides to take his party on a sightseeing trip around the country. Over the course...
Join all your favorite Final Fantasy XIV characters in this rollicking, modern-day high school comedy! Alisaie is a student attending Eorzea Academy, an exclusive institution...
Rubeus Hagrid figurine from the Harry Potter Little Charms Collection Series 2 Collect all the figurines in Series 2, including Ron Weasley, Hermoine, and Voldemort!...
Dumbledore interpreted in the popular Japanese "chibi" art style in the new CHARMS collection. This series 1 collection includes Harry Potter, Dumbledore, Hedwig and Snape...
When she turns ten years old, Adele von Ascham is hit with a horrible headache--and memories of her previous life as an eighteen-year-old Japanese girl...