The third volume of the Elden Ring comedy manga tackles Liurnia!! At Ranni the Witch’s suggestion, the Tarnished Aseo heads to investigate Liurnia of the...
Queen Maleficent rules the Forbidden Woods…a mysterious realm shrouded in darkness and evil, and all things that go bump in the night. Countless kings of...
Despite her origins with a 'traditional' family, Beau's penchant for troublemaking was legendary. Outraged by her criminal activity, Beau's father arranged for her to be...
THE LAST PAGE OF RUDEUS'S TALE The final disciple of the Man-God appears alongside the treacherous Geese: Badigadi. Equipped with Laplace's Fighting God Armor and...
Featuring an illustration of the Gryffindor, this piece allows you to see this image with unparalleled clarity, adding a richness and depth to the artwork....
HARRY POTTER ZIPPED WALLET: made from 50% polyurethane and 50% Polyester featuring a Slytherin image ONE SIZE: circa 11cm tall, 20cm wide and 2.5cm deep...
A collection of twenty-five short stories expanding upon the rich lore of Final Fantasy XIV and featuring exclusive illustrations by Toshiyuki Itahana. This hardcover, foil-stamped...
PERUGIUS'S DIVINE TRIAL. Rudeus's fourth child, Sieghart, is born with the same crop of bright-green hair that Laplace was once feared for. The omen grows...